21 Chemistry -- Foundation and Fundamentals of Chemistry

Write the qualitative and quantitative significance of symbol. Write an example of redox reaction and justify why the reaction is redox?

Write the qualitative and quantitative significance of symbol. Write an example of redox reaction and justify why the reaction is redox?

Symbols are the short abbreviations used in chemistry for chemical elements, functional groups and chemical compounds.

The qualitative and quantitative significance of symbol are :

1)  As each element has its own unique symbol, it can be used to identify the element; moreover, with the use of symbols, the periodic table looks compact and organized. If the name of each element is to be written in the periodic table, then the data will not be organized anymore. Hence, the major qualitative information conveyed by a symbol is the identification of the element.

2) Each element in the periodic table is associated with a mass number and the atomic number which is the most important quantitative information conveyed by a symbol. The number present in the superscript of the symbol denotes the mass number of the element whereas the number present in the subscript of the symbol denotes the atomic number of that element.

# Let us consider an example i.e., 168O.

In the given symbol, O represents an oxygen atom which is a qualitative information. 16 and 8 are the mass number and the atomic number of the atom respectively, which is quantitative information.

Oxidation-reduction reaction or redox reaction is defined as the reaction in which oxidation and reduction reactions occur simultaneously.

As oxidation reaction is defined as the reaction in which a substance looses its electrons. The oxidation state of the substance increases.

As reduction reaction is defined as the reaction in which a substance gains electrons. The oxidation state of the substance gets reduced.


2HCl + S→H2S + Cl 

# On reactant side:

Oxidation state of chlorine = -1

Oxidation state of sulphur = 0

# On product side:

Oxidation state of chlorine = 0

Oxidation state of sulphur = -2

The oxidation state of sulphur reduces from 0 to -2, it is getting reduced and it undergoes reduction reaction. The oxidation state of chlorine increases from -1 to 0. Thus, it is getting oxidized and it undergoes oxidation reaction.

Thus, it is considered as redox reaction.

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