Mousham khatiwada about 1 year ago
4 Claps
Rabin Kalikote

Happy Mother's Day, sir.

Rabin Kalikote asked a question

As we know that wave of sound is a mechanical wave and its speed is given by

v = (γRT/M)

whereas the wave of light is an electromagnetic wave and its speed is given by

c = (1/εoμo

So speed of sound depends on temperature of air but speed of light doesn't.

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Saroj Shrestha asked a question

If one could be a billionaire by following a how-to guide step by step, you'd have already come across it by now. 

Well, the how-to "BE" part is simple; own anything that's worth a billion- an idea, an asset, a skill, anything. It is the how-to reach that milestone that is mystic. Carve your own path to it. 

Once you find the secret (IF there is one), share it on Mattrab :P 

Or maybe don't ;) let others find their own path.

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Puspak Sah asked a question

Matter is anything that possesses mass, occupies space and may be perceived through one or more senses.

                           The physical divisions of matter are:

1. Solid : Solid matter is composed of tightly packed particles. A solid will retain its shape; the particles are not free to move around.

2. Liquid : Liquid matter is made of more loosely packed particles. It will take the shape of its container. Particles can...

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Bhawana Yadav asked a question

4.कमपयुटर हारडवेयर तिन परकारमा विभाजित छ। तिनीहरू हुन :

इनपुट उपकरण ( माउस, किबोरड, सकयानर)

आउटपुट उपकरण ( मनिटर, परिनटर, सपिकर)

परशोधन उपकरण (सि.पी. यु)

सोरेज उपकरण ( सिडि, पेन.डराइभ)

5.धेरै पहिले, कमपयुटरहरू मुखय रूपमा संखयाहरू गणना गरन र शबद परशोधन गरन परयोग गरिनथयो। समय परिवरतन भएसँगै, कमपयूटरले हामीलाई हामरो दैनिक कारयहरूमा मददत गरनको लागि विकसित गरेको छ। आजकल हामी वयकतिगत रमाइलोको लागि आफनो कमपयुटरलाई खेलको लागि परयोग गरेर र इनटरनेटमा जानकारी फेला पारन परयोग गरछौं। हामरो दैनिक जीवनमा कम...
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