Abhishek Yadav asked a question
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Bijaya Rajbhandari asked a question

The meaning of his wife's dream is a sign of a bad omen.

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Laxman Khatri about 1 year ago
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Quality of life refers to the overall well-being, satisfaction, and happiness that an individual or a community experiences in various aspects of their lives.

Samriddhi Sharma asked a question

In benzene molecule, carbon and carbon bond can't have polarity because there is not any electronegativity difference and the carbon hydrogen is also not much polar because the electronegativity difference is almost zero and also the small pull due to small difference in Electronegativity is balanced due to even pull from all directions.

In chlorobenzene the electronegativity difference between carbon and chlorine is very high so, it is polar.

(to compare polarity first check electronegativity...

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Puspak Sah asked a question

The difference between Gram atomic  mass and Gram atomic molecular are given below:

Gram atomic mass

Gram molecular mass

1.The mass of 6.023 x 1023 atoms of one mole atom of any element when expressed in terms of grams is called gram atomic mass.

1.The mass of 6.023 x 1023 molecules or 1 mole molecule of any substance expressed in grams is called gram molecular mass.

2.It is used to calculate the mass of an atom.2. It is used to calculate the mass of a molecule/molecular compound.
3. It is...
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