21 Chemistry -- Chemical Bonding and Shapes of Molecules

Define covalent bond and covalency . Write the conditions for covalency . 

Define covalent bond and covalency . Write the conditions for covalency . 

Covalent bond is defined as the bond existing between two atoms formed by the mutual sharing of electrons by the both atoms.

Covalency is the meausre of number of valence electrons that can be actively shared by an atom in forming a covalent bond.

The conditions for forming a covalent bond are as follows:

  • Combining elements should have same or comparable values of Electronegativity
  • Elements must have enough electrons in their valence shell (usually 5,6, or 7) in order to form a stable compound after the bond formation.

Reference: Write 3 Necessary Conditions For The Formation Of A Covalent Bond - Chemistry Q&A (byjus.com)

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