21 Chemistry -- Chemical Bonding and Shapes of Molecules

Write the conditions for electrovalency? List the general properties of electrovalent bond. 

Write the conditions for electrovalency? List the general properties of electrovalent bond. 

Following are the conditions for electrovalency:

  1. Combination of Metal and Non-metal
  2. Metal should have low Ionization Energy
  3. Non-metal should have high Electron Affinity
  4. Large size of cations and Small size of anions

Following are some of the properties of Electrovalent compounds:

  1. In room temperature, they are generally solids.
  2. Usually, they have high Boiling point and high Melting point.
  3. They are good conductors of electricity in their molten or fused state due to the presence of free ions.
  4. Generally, they are crystalline in nature.
  5. Being polar in nature, they are soluble in polar solvents like water but insoluble in non-polar solvents like organic solvents. (In general)

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