Ishan asked a question

conceptualizing the truth,in hegel's term. A lot of philosophers(like descartes' three kinds of ideas) in his time (and a lot of mindfulness practitioners these days)believed a higher form of truth(or knowledge) exists which cannot be articulated but is to be intuited and felt.Hegel didnt consider this to be can never know if your intuition is true or its just you making the stuff up.

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Laxman Khatri about 1 year ago
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Quality of life refers to the overall well-being, satisfaction, and happiness that an individual or a community experiences in various aspects of their lives.

Bijaya Rajbhandari asked a question

The meaning of his wife's dream is a sign of a bad omen.

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Gayatri Mishra asked a question

The foods we eat, the air we breathe, cleaning chemicals, our emotions and literally every object that we can see or touch, love, jealousy, infatuation and all share in chemistry. For all living things to function and survive, their bodies perform various chemical processes.

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