Ishan asked a question

conceptualizing the truth,in hegel's term. A lot of philosophers(like descartes' three kinds of ideas) in his time (and a lot of mindfulness practitioners these days)believed a higher form of truth(or knowledge) exists which cannot be articulated but is to be intuited and felt.Hegel didnt consider this to be can never know if your intuition is true or its just you making the stuff up.

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Bhawana Yadav asked a question

4.कमपयुटर हारडवेयर तिन परकारमा विभाजित छ। तिनीहरू हुन :

इनपुट उपकरण ( माउस, किबोरड, सकयानर)

आउटपुट उपकरण ( मनिटर, परिनटर, सपिकर)

परशोधन उपकरण (सि.पी. यु)

सोरेज उपकरण ( सिडि, पेन.डराइभ)

5.धेरै पहिले, कमपयुटरहरू मुखय रूपमा संखयाहरू गणना गरन र शबद परशोधन गरन परयोग गरिनथयो। समय परिवरतन भएसँगै, कमपयूटरले हामीलाई हामरो दैनिक कारयहरूमा मददत गरनको लागि विकसित गरेको छ। आजकल हामी वयकतिगत रमाइलोको लागि आफनो कमपयुटरलाई खेलको लागि परयोग गरेर र इनटरनेटमा जानकारी फेला पारन परयोग गरछौं। हामरो दैनिक जीवनमा कम...
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Diwas Pandit asked a question

Yes, a vector which has zero magnitude is also a vector in case of two vectors travelling in opposite directions with equal magnitudes. At this case, the resultant vector has zero magnitude but it is still a vector. We call it a null vector.

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Anuska Bashyal asked a question

If vectors are arranged as trigonal planar and have equal magnitude, it is an ideal case of zero resultant.

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