Usa Education -- Building Application

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Building College Resumes

Many colleges will recommend or require you to submit a student resume. In this article let’s learn how to build one.

First let’s look at my resume.



Kirtipur, Kathmandu  |  +977 981 636 0000   |


Leadership as a Practice - at Global Citizen Year Academy.

  • Practiced leadership skills, growth mindset, feedback loop, etc. with global cohorts.

Algorithms: Design and Analysis - at edX.

  • Acquired the fundamental knowledge about algorithm analysis and design.

Frontend Development - at Programming with Mosh.

  • Learned the stack of skills/language for frontend web development.


Founder and President at Mattrab Community.

  • Engineered Mattrab’s app, with Ruby on Rails, as a platform for students to create academic resources, ask and answer questions, which is used by 2,000+ Nepali students.

  • Founded the community of students who answer academic questions, create notes, practice exams, and share blogs at ‘Ask Mattrab’ to help students around the country.

Vice-President at Computer Science Initiatives in Nepal (CSIN).

  • Hosted different talk shows, webinars and competitions to introduce various fields of computer science to high-school students.

  • Taught website design to 120+ members and mentored 15+ computer science projects and initiatives.

President at SXC Computer Club.

  • Developed a new House learning system where students learned websites, algorithms, apps, and robotics.

  • Led the club to organize different events/competitions in the college.

Research Scholar at the Incubate Nepal Program.

  • Collaborated with the team to build the mobile app named ‘Kisan Nepal’, with Python and Flutter, serving Nepali farmers to browse news, notices, and market prices.


Teaching at PiE (Partnership in Education).

  • Assisted the underprivileged students in academic progress and understanding, and also engaged their interest in creativity and thinking.

Teaching programming at SXC Computer Club.

  • Taught computer programming, web design, and development as well as leadership and communication skills to the club members.

  • Interviewed tech-pioneers to share the insights from the leaders of the tech industry.


Did you notice the structure?

Let me mention it for you. First thing is simple. You should mention your name as a heading and your details in the tagline.

You should divide your projects, courses, awards, and services in three different categories: Academics, Leaderships, and Community Services.

You should have a title for each resume item with your role and organization name. Following the title, you should list your contributions in sentences starting with strong action verbs. You should quantify your actions and impacts whenever possible.

Now, you have your awesome resume. You can submit it to colleges and universities. Good luck!

In the next article, I will talk about an important ECA opportunity that you can highlight in your resume. Meet me there.


More notes on Building Application

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