♪⚝Sanjiv❀Jaiswal❁⩸ asked a question

Compounds with hydrogen bonding tend to have higher melting and boiling points because the hydrogen bonding leads to stronger intermolecular forces. Intermolecular forces are the attractive forces between molecules, and they affect the physical properties of a substance, including melting and boiling points.

Hydrogen bonding is a particularly strong type of intermolecular force that occurs when a hydrogen atom is bonded to a highly electronegative atom such as nitrogen, oxygen, or fluorine....

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NANDANI KUMARI asked a question
ii)Transition metals and their compounds show catalytic activities because of Variable or multiple oxidation states, ability to form complexes, they provide large surface area for adsorption.
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Nikas Ghimire asked a question

Program to input any number and display number of odd numbers in it;





int main() {

int i, number, num1, num2=0, num3, num4 =0, rem, rem1, rem2, rev = 0;

printf("Enter your number ==> ");

scanf("%d", &number);

num1 = number;

while(num1 != 0) {

rem = num1%10;

rem1 = rem%2;

if (rem1 != 0) {

num2 = num2*10 + rem;


num1 /= 10;


num3 = num2;

while (num2 != 0) {


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Jessica Yadav asked a question

zinc will react with sulphuric acid forming zinc sulphate dissolved in solution and releasing hydrogen gas.
Zn + conc. 2 H2SO4 ZnSO4 + SO2 + 2 H2O

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Barsha Yadav asked a question
Its all because of oxytocin. Oxytocin is the love hormone that activates feelings of trust and love between people when it is released in the brain. Whenever Surakshya thinks of her college the production of the oxytocin hormone rises to peak but sadly she cannot express her love in anyway. Because of the fact she is miles away from her college and she is bound to accept the truth that she cannot be there in college at the present time. So, there is no way that she can express her love,...
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Chandan Yadav over 1 year ago
6 Claps

The Rh factor(the Rhesus factor or Rh antigen), is a protein that can be found on the surface of red blood cells. It is one of the most important blood group systems in human blood typing. The presence or absence of the Rh factor is denoted as either Rh-positive (+) or Rh-negative (-).


Fun fact: The Rh factor is named after the Rhesus monkey, in which the protein was first discovered.

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