22 Biology -- Theories of Evolution

What is the role of genetic variation in the theory of evolution? A: Genetic variation refers to the differences in the DNA sequences that make up an organism's genes. In the theory of evolution, genetic variation plays a crucial role because it provides the raw material for natural sel...

What is the role of genetic variation in the theory of evolution? A: Genetic variation refers to the differences in the DNA sequences that make up an organism's genes. In the theory of evolution, genetic variation plays a crucial role because it provides the raw material for natural selection to act upon. The genetic variation within a population is what allows for the existence of different traits or characteristics, some of which may be more advantageous than others. These advantageous traits are more likely to be passed down to future generations and become more common over time, while less advantageous traits may eventually disappear. Genetic variation arises through several mechanisms, including mutations, genetic recombination, and gene flow. The availability and distribution of genetic variation within a population can greatly influence the direction and rate of evolution.

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