22 Biology -- Theories of Evolution

Why is Lamarckism called the Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characters? Explain briefly.

Why is Lamarckism called the Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characters? Explain briefly.

Jean Baptiste Lamarck, a French biologist, first discovered and mentioned a theory of organic evolution in 1809, in his book called 'Philosophie Zoologique'. When he turned his attention to zoology( particularly invertebrates) from botany, he realized that the species were not constant but rather were derived from pre-existing species. He proposed that species change over time through a process of transmutation, and he included concepts such as  law of use and disuse, effect of environment, and the inheritance of acquired characteristics. This theory stated that the organisms acquire modifications in adaptation to the environment which are passed to its off-springs and so become the part of heredity. Hence, this theory is called the theory of inheritance.

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