
24 Computer -- Computer System

List out the features of every generation of computers from 1940 to till date?

List out the features of every generation of computers from 1940 to till date?

Generations of Computer 

1st  Generation of computer (1945-1956 AD)


  • The technology used: Vacuum tube 

  • Operating Speed was in terms of millisecond range

  • Primary memory used: Magnetic core memory

  • Secondary memory used: Electrostatic tubes, paper tapes, Punched cards, magnetic tape 

  •  Machine level language was used to instruct the computer. Programming at the hardware level

  • A punched card, printing devices were used as input/output operations and store the data 

  • It occupied a large space

  • It had slow processing, was inefficient and unreliable due to its inaccuracy 

  • It consumed a high amount of power and it generated a high amount of heat

  • It could only perform simple numeric calculations 

  • It used to be very very expensive so only a few people or organizations could buy it

2nd  Generation of computer (1956-1964 AD)


  • Technology used: Transistors 

  • Operating speed was in terms of microsecond range

  • Primary memory used: Magnetic core memory

  • Secondary memory used: Magnetic drum and magnetic tape

  • Assembly language and machine level language like COBOL and FORTRAN were introduced to simplify programming 

  • A punched card, printing devices were used as input/output operations and store the data 

  • Transistor reduced the size of the computer(a transistor was approximate 1/200th the size of the vacuum tube)

  • It required less power than  first-gen computers

  • It was faster, more reliable, better speed, and could handle a larger amount of data compared to first-gen computer

  • It could perform scientific equations like solving differential equations 

3rd  Generation of computer (1964-1971 AD)


  • The technology used: IC (Integrated Circuit)

  • Operating speed was measured in terms of nanoseconds

  • Primary memory used: Semiconductor memory like RAM and ROM

  • Secondary memory used: Magnetics disks like floppy disks and hard disks

  • High-level languages like FORTRAN, BASIC and others were used to develop programs

  • Monitors and keyboards were introduced for input and output

  • A database management system was established

  • Computers were used in banks, military and census

  • It was smaller, cheaper, consumed less power and generated less heat compared to previous generations

  • Processing speed, storage capacity, use of computers increased

4th Generation of computer (1971 AD-Present)


  • The technology used: VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) is introduced and used. Microprocessor-based technology

  • Operating speed us in terms of picoseconds 

  • Primary memory used: Semiconductor memory like RAM, ROM and Cache memory

  • Secondary memory used: Magnetic disks like hard disk, optical memories like CD, DVD, Blu-ray disk, flash memories like pen drive

  • Advanced operating systems were developed 

  • Computers can be linked together and share information

  • The computer is used for all the scientific, engineering, commercial, entertainment, communication

  • t was smaller, cheaper, consumed less power and generated less heat compared to previous generations

  • Processing speed, storage capacity, use of computers increased massively

  • It was more user friendly and advanced and different technology based on the internet were developed

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