
20 Physics -- Vectors

Can three vectors not lying in a plane give zero resultant?

Can three vectors not lying in a plane give zero resultant?

For the resultant of three vectors to be zero, resultant of two should be equal and opposite to the third. Here, since the three vectors do not lie in the same plane, the resultant of the two cannot be in opposite direction of the third, hence resultant can not be zero.

No, if three vectors do not lie in a plane, they cannot give zero resultant.


Let A, B and C be three vectors. If they give zero resultant, then


or, A= -(B+C)

Hence, they will produce zero resultant, if A is equal to negative of vector (B+C). The vector (B+C) lies in the plane of B and C. Hence, A will be equal to negative of (B+C) if AB and C all lie in a plane.

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