
20 Physics -- Vectors

How many components can be realized of a vector?

How many components can be realized of a vector?

Infinite number of components can be resolved of a vector.


 The number of components in which a vector can be resolved depends upon its dimension. So if we take a 2-dimensional vector, it can be resolved into two components. If we take a 3-dimensional vector, it can be resolved into three components. Similarly, if there exists a fourth dimensional vector, it can be resolved into four components. So, each mutually perpendicular axis contributes to a dimension of the given vector, which could be resolved into a component. For eg: in a rectangular resolution, vector can be resolved into two components which are called as x-component and y-component. In cartesian (orthogonal) co-ordinate system, vector can be resolved into three components which are called as x-component, y -component and z-component.

Any vector directed in two dimensions can be thought of as having two different components. The component of a single vector describes the influence of that vector in a given direction.

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