35 Eph -- Family Life Education and Quality of Life

Explain briefly any five elements of quality of life:

Explain briefly any five elements of quality of life:

Any five elements of quality of life are explained below:

- Nutritious food:
An important element of quality of life is nutritious food which helps in physical, mental and intellectual development of people. For proper growth, function and protection of the body, every member of the family have to get balanced and nutritious diet.

- Family size:
The number of family member affect the attainment of quality of life. The larger family need more source for the fulfillment of their needs but the smaller need less source which brings easiness for the attainment of quality of life.

- Health:
Health is an invaluable asset of human life. Healthy human power is essential for the development of society and the country. Healthy people can take part in different gainful activities which helps to acquire quality of life.

- Education:
Education is an important factor of quality of life. It can overcome social evils in an easy manner. It helps to acquire quality of life since it produces skilled and trained human power for maintaining quality of life.

- Saving:
Saving can be considered as another important element of quality of life. Saving at present is for the future. It provides financial support to attain quality of life in old age too. Saving ensures quality of life to some extent. So, it is also an element of quality of life.

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