SAMIR AKHTAR about 1 year ago
2 Claps

One major difference between Americans and Japanese is their cultural norms and values. For example, Americans tend to value individualism and independence, while Japanese tend to prioritize group harmony and collectivism. This can be seen in various aspects of daily life, such as communication style, decision-making processes, and social interactions. Additionally, the two cultures have different customs and traditions, including food, clothing, and holidays.


Some specific types of clothing that Muslim women may avoid wearing in the Muslim community include tight or revealing clothing, short skirts or shorts, sleeveless or low-cut tops, and clothing made from see-through or sheer materials.

Nikas Ghimire asked a question




int main() {

int i, number, num1, num2=0;

char str1[50];

num1 = number;

for(i=2; i<=20; i+=2) {

printf("%d", i);

printf(", ");


return 0;


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Chandan Yadav over 1 year ago
6 Claps

The Rh factor(the Rhesus factor or Rh antigen), is a protein that can be found on the surface of red blood cells. It is one of the most important blood group systems in human blood typing. The presence or absence of the Rh factor is denoted as either Rh-positive (+) or Rh-negative (-).


Fun fact: The Rh factor is named after the Rhesus monkey, in which the protein was first discovered.

Gayatri Mishra asked a question

The foods we eat, the air we breathe, cleaning chemicals, our emotions and literally every object that we can see or touch, love, jealousy, infatuation and all share in chemistry. For all living things to function and survive, their bodies perform various chemical processes.

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Nikas Ghimire asked a question

Program to input any number and display number of odd numbers in it;





int main() {

int i, number, num1, num2=0, num3, num4 =0, rem, rem1, rem2, rev = 0;

printf("Enter your number ==> ");

scanf("%d", &number);

num1 = number;

while(num1 != 0) {

rem = num1%10;

rem1 = rem%2;

if (rem1 != 0) {

num2 = num2*10 + rem;


num1 /= 10;


num3 = num2;

while (num2 != 0) {


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