Bikash T. Magar asked a question

Balance on a bicycle is a matter of constantly correcting against falls, and it's easier when the speed is higher because the inertia of moving forward overcomes the need for corrective actions.

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SAMIR AKHTAR about 1 year ago
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One major difference between Americans and Japanese is their cultural norms and values. For example, Americans tend to value individualism and independence, while Japanese tend to prioritize group harmony and collectivism. This can be seen in various aspects of daily life, such as communication style, decision-making processes, and social interactions. Additionally, the two cultures have different customs and traditions, including food, clothing, and holidays.


Some specific types of clothing that Muslim women may avoid wearing in the Muslim community include tight or revealing clothing, short skirts or shorts, sleeveless or low-cut tops, and clothing made from see-through or sheer materials.

Deekchya Pandit asked a question

a)When silver nitrate comes in contact with skin, it is reduced to white color metallic silver.In most cases, a black stain appears due to formation of finely divided silver which has black color.

The black color is due to the decomposition of the Ag+ ion into Ag, silver. Silver nitrate will slowly decompose with the silver ion reverting to elemental silver. The microscopic particles of silver are so small that they absorb light instead of reflecting it, and so appear black, instead of silver....

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Nikas Ghimire asked a question

Program to input any number and display number of odd numbers in it;





int main() {

int i, number, num1, num2=0, num3, num4 =0, rem, rem1, rem2, rev = 0;

printf("Enter your number ==> ");

scanf("%d", &number);

num1 = number;

while(num1 != 0) {

rem = num1%10;

rem1 = rem%2;

if (rem1 != 0) {

num2 = num2*10 + rem;


num1 /= 10;


num3 = num2;

while (num2 != 0) {


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