Usa Education -- Opportunity Fund

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Opportunity Fund Essays

As part of the OF application, they will ask you two questions which you should answer in maximum 500 words. These long answers are called essays. Let’s see how we answer them.

First, what are the questions they ask? They have been asking these two questions for a few years now.

  1. Why do you consider yourself a suitable candidate for theOpportunity Fund program?

  2. What is one of your most significant achievements so far?

Let’s talk about the first question. This question provides you an opportunity to show that you need financial assistance. You should paint the picture of your background. Show where you came from, how you struggled if you had struggled. Share with them your vision and reason for studying in the USA. And show the contrast that the money is pulling you behind from applying. This is why you would be the great fit for the program. You have to show that you need it and you deserve it.

Many deserve it but they don’t need it. Many need it but they don’t deserve it. I’m saying again that you need it and you deserve it.

The second question, this question provides you an opportunity to show you deserve it. Talk about one significant accomplishment, not many. Take time to decide what you will talk about. Write in detail. Explain why you did it, how you did it and what was the impact. That will work for you.

Avoid these mistakes. Don’t take inspiration from others' essays and copy the theme or tone of the essay. You are unique and your voice is unique. Get a pen and paper and write it down. You can type later but let your brain speak about it.

In the next article, I have shared my own essays that got me selected for the program. I will tell you how I wrote those essays. Join me there.


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