22 Biology -- Introduction to Floral Diversity

Differentiate between Algae and Fungi.

Differentiate between Algae and Fungi.

They belong to Kingdom plantae.They belong to Kingdom Fungi. 
They are mostly aquatic and found in both fresh water and marine water. They are mostly terrestrial and found in dead matter .
They are autotrophs. They are heterotrophs, either saprophytes, parasites or symbiotic.
They grow in light environment. They grow in dark, dim or diffuse light conditions. 
Cell wall is made up of cellulose. Cell wall composed of chitin or fungus cellulose. 

Reserve food material is in the form of starch and oil.Reserve food material is in the form of oil and Glycogen.
Chlorophyll and accessory pigments are present. Chlorophyll and accessory pigments are absent.
Filaments, if present are branched or unbranched.Filaments or hyphae are usually branched.
Consists of uninucleated cell.

Consists of multinucleated cells.

Asexual reproduction normally occurs by zoospores.Zoospores are absent.
Motility of gametes is very rare.Gametes are motile.
Eg: Fucus, Spirogyra, Ulothrix etc.Eg: Rhizopus, Mucor, Yeast etc.

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