21 Chemistry -- Non-Metals: Nitrogen

Describe Haber's process for the manufacture of ammonia. Why is NH3 not dried over conc.H2SO4 and anhydrous CaCl2? What is the action when ammonia is passed to mercurousnitrate paper and FeSO4 solution?

Describe Haber's process for the manufacture of ammonia. Why is NH3 not dried over conc.

H2SO4 and anhydrous CaCl2? What is the action when ammonia is passed to mercurous

nitrate paper and FeSO4 solution?

Conc. H2SOand anhydrous CaCl2 are not used to dry ammonia because they form chemical compounds with it. 

- conc. H2SO4  and NH3 form (NH₄)₂ SO₄  

- While anhydrous  CaCl2 absorbs water, it undergoes hydrolysis to give hydrochloric acid.

Since ammonia is basic, it is neutralised by HCl to give salt,  NH3 + HCl→ NH4Cl.

Ammonia passed through the paper turns mercurous nitrate paper into black. It is due to the formation of mercuric amidonitrate and mercury. 


when ammonia is passed through FeSO4 solution,  a dirty green precipitate of Fe(OH)2 is formed. 

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