35 Eph -- Population and Environmental Status of Nepal

Explain the eco-system of hilly region and terai region with suitable examples.

Explain the eco-system of hilly region and terai region with suitable examples.

Hilly region:
The hilly region lies between the mountain and terai region. This region is expanded ranging from elevation of 610 m to 4877 m from the sea level. This region has occupied about 42% of total land area of the country. There is physical and biological diversity both found in this region. The animal living, vegetation growing and so on are different with the difference fond in the land-structure, climate, soil and so on.

Terai region:
The terai region is the southern most part of the country. It continuously extends from east to west from the ranges of 60 m to 610 m. It has occupied about 23% of total land area of the country. The land of this region is very fertile. So, most of the people of this region are engaged in agriculture. There are many animals and plants which are similar as well as different to that of other regions. The varieties of flora and fauna has increased to biological richness of this region. Occupation like agriculture, animal husbandry, horticulture, etc. are being practiced.

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