Usa Education -- Todo in High School

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Explore different fields of Study

High school students have many interests. You may be good at singing, sports, filmmaking, and so on. You may have fallen in love with astronomy, physics, or mathematics. You may have been coding for years.

Passion and careers are different things. Passion can be boring while you make it your career. However, the case can be otherwise as well. So, you start thinking about what is the thing that you enjoy doing and whether you want to make it your career or not. Think about what are the scopes of that field and how much money you can make out of it.

Many students select their major due to peer influence and struggle to keep up with it. Everyone says computer science has broader scope but many students hate algorithms and datastructures later. So, it’s important for you to find out the thing that you love doing. Participate in hands-on activities. Explore. Experiment. Keep your hands dirty. Try everything.

Find one field that is most interesting to you and start searching colleges that have excellent facilities and opportunities for that. You can always change your major but it is good to have a starting direction decided.

In the next article, I will talk about the college search and its importance. There are hidden gems (universities/colleges) that are underlying. Let’s see how we discover them.


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