
1 Physics -- Photons

Which of the following statements are true for the fact :Depletion layer is called "depletion layer ". A. It is depleted of charge carrier density B. It is depleted of charge densityC. It has barrier potential D. All of the above

Which of the following statements are true for the fact :Depletion layer is called "depletion layer ". A. It is depleted of charge carrier density B. It is depleted of charge densityC. It has barrier potential D. All of the above

The answer is A 

In the depletion layer, electrons combine with holes producing charge density so that region is depleted of charge carriers  but it has charge density .

Conclusion: Neutral but still having non zero charge density .

I guess, the answer is C.

More questions on Photons

Why do holes have effective mass although being vacant energy states ?

Hi Sushin,

Insolid state physics, a particle'seffective mass(often denoted) is themassthat itseemsto have when responding to forces. Here, although we define and understand holes as vacancies, when they "move" towards the positive terminal under the electrical field, the concept of effective mass is introduced.

Hope this helps.

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