4 Maths -- Derivatives

A residential student of a school is putting the following questions to his roommates. Answerthese questions.a. What is the relation between continuityand differentiability of a function at a point?b. What is the first principle of differentiation?c. Write any one condition where we use...

A residential student of a school is putting the following questions to his roommates. Answer

these questions.

a. What is the relation between continuity

and differentiability of a function at a point?

b. What is the first principle of differentiation?

c. Write any one condition where we use the derivative to find the limit of a function.

d. Write one difference between differentiation and integration of a function.

e. In the expression integrate f(x) dx = F(x) + C , what is the relation between f(x) and F(x) from differentiation point of view?

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