3 Biology -- Animal Tissues

Write short note on adipose tissue.It is actually modified form of areolar tissue. It consists of large number of fat storing cells known as adipocytes. They are two types: white adipocyte and brown adipocyte. These cells are oval in shape, have a single small peripheral nucleus and alm...

Write short note on adipose tissue.

It is actually modified form of areolar tissue. It consists of large number of fat storing cells known as adipocytes. They are two types: white adipocyte and brown adipocyte. These cells are oval in shape, have a single small peripheral nucleus and almost all filled with fat globules. The matrix of adipose tissue also consists of bundles of white collagen fibres; which are short and thick and consists of the mixture of glycoprotein, hyaluronic acid and clondriotin sulphate.

Location: It is found beneath the skin as sub cutaneous layer and also around the orga like eye, kidney, heart, mesentry, bone marrow, etc.


1. It stores fat as a source of energy for future.

2.It acts as a shock absorber around the organs like eye, kidney, etc.

3.It forms an insulating layer and prevents heat loss from body.

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