37 Maths -- Tax and Money Exchange

 If NRs 200 = 2.45 AUD (Australian Dollar) and 8116 AUD = 8152 CAD (Canadian Dollars). How much CAD can be exchanged with NRs 4,05,800?solution;Given,Exchange Rates of some currencies are:NRs 200 = 2.45 AUD8116 AUD = 8152 CADTaking NRs 200 = 2.45 AUDor, 2.45 AUD = NRs 200or, 1 AUD = NRs...

 If NRs 200 = 2.45 AUD (Australian Dollar) and 8116 AUD = 8152 CAD (Canadian Dollars). How much CAD can be exchanged with NRs 4,05,800?



Exchange Rates of some currencies are:

NRs 200 = 2.45 AUD

8116 AUD = 8152 CAD

Taking NRs 200 = 2.45 AUD

or, 2.45 AUD = NRs 200

or, 1 AUD = NRs 200/2.45 – (i)

Taking 8116 AUD = 8152 CAD

or, 8116 AUD = 8152 CAD

or, 1 AUD = 8152/8116 CAD – (ii)

From equations (i) and (ii), we get,

NRs 200/2.45 = 8152/8116 CAD

or, NRe 1 = 8152/8116 × 2.45/200 CAD

or, NRe 1 = 0.0123 CAD

or, NRe 1 × 405800 = 0.0123 × 405800 CAD

So, NRs 405800 = 4991.34 CAD

Therefore, 4,991.34 CAD can be exchanged with NRs 4,05,800.

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