37 Maths -- Tax and Money Exchange

 A trader bought some electric blenders for Rs 4,000 per piece. He sold each blender to customers for Rs 4,332 with 14% VAT. Find his profit or loss percent.solution; Let the number of blenders bought by the trader be x.He bought ‘x’ electric blenders for Rs 4,000 per piece. So, CP = Rs...

 A trader bought some electric blenders for Rs 4,000 per piece. He sold each blender to customers for Rs 4,332 with 14% VAT. Find his profit or loss percent.

 Let the number of blenders bought by the trader be x.

He bought ‘x’ electric blenders for Rs 4,000 per piece. So, CP = Rs 4000x

He sold each blender for Rs 4,332 each with 14% VAT.

So, SP with VAT = Rs 4332

or, SP + 14% of SP = Rs 4332

or, SP + 14/100 SP = Rs 4332

or, (100+14)SP/100 = Rs 4332

or, 114SP /100 = Rs 4332

or, SP = Rs 4322×100/114

So, SP = Rs 3800

Since, each blender is sold for Rs 3,800. Total SP becomes Rs 3800x

Here, CP>SP

So, Loos percent = (CP – SP)/CP × 100%

= (4000x – 3800x)/4000x × 100%

= 200x / 4000x × 100%

= 5%

Therefore, the required loss percentage in the above trade is 5%.

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