1 Physics -- Fluid Statics

State pascals law. Prove that fluid pressure is P = hρg where the symbol carries usual meaning.

State pascals law. Prove that fluid pressure is P = hρg where the symbol carries usual meaning.

According to Pascal’s Law, “The external static pressure applied on a confined liquid is distributed or transmitted evenly throughout the liquid in all directions”.

Calculation of fluid pressure

  • Pfluid = P + ρgh
  • where,
    • P = Pressure at the reference point
    • Pfluid = Pressure at a point in a fluid
    • ρ = Density of the fluid
    • g = Acceleration due to gravity (considering earth g = 9.8 m/s)
    • h = Height from the reference point
  • The density of a fluid may be estimated by dividing its mass by the volume of fluid taken into account.
  • ρ = m/V
  • where,
    • m = Mass of the fluid
    • V = Volume of fluid considered
  • If the fluid is subject to atmospheric pressure, then the total pressure on the system is given by
  • Pfluid = Po + ρgh
  • where,
    • Po = Atmospheric pressure

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