21 Chemistry -- Non-Metals: Hydrogen

What is Nascent hydrogen? Write the common sources of it? Also write how it is generated.

What is Nascent hydrogen? Write the common sources of it? Also write how it is generated.

Nascent hydrogen refers to hydrogen that is liberated during a chemical reaction.

Nascent hydrogen is obtained from the reaction between

Sodium reacts with ethanol to form sodium ethoxide and ethanol. Write the balanced chemical equation.

Na + C2H5OH  C2H5ONa + [H]

Aluminium reacts with sodium hydroxide to liberate nascent hydrogen.
Write the balanced chemical equation.

Al + 2 NaOH  Na2AlO2 + 2 [H]

Zinc reacts with dilute sulphuric acid to form zinc sulphate and nascent hydrogen.
Write the balanced chemical equation.

Zn + dil H2SO4  ZnSO4 + 2 [H]

More questions on Non-Metals: Hydrogen

Who discovered hydrogen and by whom it was named?

Hencry Cavendish discovered Hydrogen in 1766 AD.

Antoine Lavoisier named Hydrogen in 1783 AD.

Source:Hydrogen - Wikipedia

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