22 Biology -- Pteridophyta

Describe morphology of fern.

Describe morphology of fern.

Root: Thin, slender, present below stem, adventitious roots that bear root cap and root hair

Stem: May be dichotomously branched, obliquely placed, perennial, prostrate. Stem is modified into rhizome and is covered by brown hairs called ramenta.

Leaves: Petiolate, pinnately compound- called frond. Compound leaf bear many leaflet called pinnae. Pinnae develops on main stalk called rachis. Each pinnae is again divided into smaller segments called pinnules.

2 types of leaves in dryopteris

1. Sporophylle- Fertile leaf- Having sori

2. Tropophylle- Sterile leaf- No sori

Mature leaf has kidney shaped structure called sori on the lower surface of pinnules. 

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