21 Chemistry -- Atomic Structure

How is Bohr's theory against Heisenberg uncertainty principle?

How is Bohr's theory against Heisenberg uncertainty principle?

According to the Bohr's atomic model, electrons revolve in well defined circular orbits around the nucleus. So, the energy (thus its momentum) of the electron and the radius of its orbit (thus its position) are precisely defined quantities. But, actually this motion is not limited to a circular path in single plane and takes place in three dimensions which is undefined.  This is a direct violation of the Uncertainty Principle.
Heisenberg's principle states that, it is impossible to determine the position and the momentum(or velocity) of particle in motion accurately and simultaneously.Heisenberg's principle gives the concept of orbitals, where the orbit and position of electrons is NOT fixed, but bohr's model clearly mentions ORBIT. 
Heisenberg postulated that the simultaneous determination of position and momentum of microscope particles (like electron) is not possible and Bohr's theory fails to explain this fact.  

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