5 Computer -- DBMS Concept

What are Domains and Tuples? What are the characteristics of good data model?

What are Domains and Tuples? What are the characteristics of good data model?

A domain is the set of possible values for a given attribute, and it can be considered as a constrait on the value of the attribute, such as value of an attribute marks of a subject must be integer value like 56 and it should be withwin the range of 0 to full marks.

    A tuple is a complete row of the table . It is also called a record . It is data sets representing attributes of a single item. A data model define how data are organized in database and how the data can be accessed. The characteristices of a good data models are :

  • Easier access to data.
  • Better security for  the protection of data.
  • Representation of all types of  relationships
  • Easier to design and develop.
  • Reduced redundancy of the data.
  • Easier modification and delection of data.

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