5 Computer -- DBMS Concept

Describe any two database model with diagram.

Describe any two database model with diagram.

Any two database model with diagram are :

1. Hierarchical Database Model

    In a hierarchical database model, records are logically organized into a hierarchy of relationship. A hierarchically structured database is arranged logically in an inverted tree pattern. All record in the hierarchy are called nods. Each nodes is related to the other in a parent-child relationship. Each parent may have one or more child records, each can have one parent.    


2 Network database model

  Network database model is a modified version of the hierarchical database. In network database structure each node may have several parents. A network database model views all records in set. The network database model has a higher level of flexibility than hierarchical. It is easier to restructure  the information stored in this structure, since the path of relationship enables to store in an arbitrary manner Operation and maintenance of this structure become complicated, as the number of points in the network increases.


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