34 Social -- Political Events from 2017-2046 BS

Write a conversion about Referendum of 2036 BS.

Write a conversion about Referendum of 2036 BS.

Rab: Hi Pran! why were you absent yesterday?

Pran: Ohh Rab! what's up! I had some problems. By the way, I missed yesterday's classes. Did KG sir taught anything new?

Rab: He talked a bit about Referendum of 2036 BS. It was very interesting class.

Pran: Referendum!🤔 what's that?

Rab: It is the democratic system of taking public opinion through adult franchise or asking a straight forward question on an important national issue.

Pran: Ooo 😯. What is Referendum of 2036 BS then?

Rab: It was the Referendum held in Nepal 2036 BS 😀 for the making of choice among monarchy (panchayat) and multi-party democratic system. People were asked to cast the vote either in favor of purified panchayat or multiparty democratic system. It was declared by king, Birendra declared it on 10th Jestha, 2036 BS.

Pran: What was the result of this Referendum?😃

Rab: People casted their vote for multiparty system as well as reformed panchayat system. But multiparty lost by securing 45.3% and panchayat system won by 54.7%.

Pran: oh! it is so interesting! I'll ask sir for more about it. It is late already, let's say goodbye for today.

Rab: Okay, we should go, see you later!🙋‍♂️

Pran: Bye, See you!🙋‍♂️

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