34 Social -- Causes of the Rise and Downfall of Panchayat System

Who was considered as Iron Man of Nepal? Why?

Who was considered as Iron Man of Nepal? Why?

Ganeshman Singh was considered as Ironman of Nepal.
    He was considered as Iron Man of Nepal because he had made great efforts to re-establish the democracy in Nepal. He was made the commander in chief of the Nepalese revolutionary force to establish democracy. His devotion and leadership could achieve freedom in Nepal after the end of first mass movement. He was the first man in Asia to receive United Nations Human Right Award. He is one of the most revered politicians of Nepal. He only one person ever in history of Nepal who refused to be prime-minister when requested by the monarch and supported by the people. He is also known as the father of Democracy in Nepal. Hence, he is historically and politically known as the Iron Man for his bravery and courage.

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