21 Chemistry -- Chemical Equilibrium

State and explain Lichateliers principle and discuss its application. 

State and explain Lichateliers principle and discuss its application. 

1. Le-Chatelier's principle

Equilibrium state of a reversible reaction can be disturbed by changing temperature, pressure, volume and concentration of reaction system. This fact was thoroughly studied by a French Chemist Henry Louis Le-Chatelier in 1884. He made a generalization which is termed as Le-Chatelier's principle. This principle states that, ‘when a system in equilibrium is subjected to a change in temperature, pressure, volume and concentration, the equilibrium shifts in such a direction so as to nullify (neutralize) the effect of the change.’

The important conclusions of the principle can be expressed as:

a. Effect of change in the temperature

Increasing the temperature shifts the equilibrium to that direction where heat is absorbed i.e. increase in temperature favors the endothermic side of reaction in the equilibrium. On the other hand, decreasing the temperature, shifts the equilibrium to that direction where heat is evolved, i.e. decrease in temperature favors the exothermic side of reaction in the equilibrium.

b. Effect of change in the pressure and volume

Increase in pressure shifts the equilibrium to that direction where volume is decreased. Similarly, decrease in pressure shifts the equilibrium to the direction having more volume. So, the reactions which proceed by the decrease in the volume, are favored at high pressure. The reactions which proceed by increase in the volume, are favored at low pressure.

c. Effect of change in the concentration

If any of the component is added from outside its concentration is increased and the equilibrium will shift in that direction where the added substance is consumed. This means, increasing the concentration of reactants shifts the equilibrium to the right hand side and increasing the concentration of the products shifts the equilibrium to the left hand side. However, if the concentration of a substance is decreased, the equilibrium will shift in a direction which will produce more of this substance.

d. Effect of addition of inert gas

Effect of inert gas can be studied at constant volume and at constant pressure.

i. At constant volume

When inert gas is added in a system at equilibrium at a constant volume, partial pressure of individual gas remains constant that is why there is no effect of the addition of inert gas at equilibrium.

ii. At constant pressure

When inert gas is added in a system at equilibrium at a constant pressure, the partial pressure of the individual gas gets decreased. That is why addition of inert gas at a constant pressure is equivalent to the decrease in pressure. In this case, the equilibrium shifts in the direction, where the volume is increased.

2. Applications of Le-Chatelier's principle

Le-Chatelier's principle is entirely a general law and is applicable to physical as well as chemical equilibrium. This law has much importance for the prediction of the conditions to get maximum yield of the desired products in a reversible reaction.

A. Application of Le-Chatelier's principle in physical equilibria

i. Let us take an example of melting of ice.

a. Effect of change in temperature

Since the melting of ice is endothermic process, increase in temperature shifts the equilibrium in forward side to form more water and decrease in temperature shifts the equilibrium backward to form more ice.

b. Effect of change in pressure

For the given mass of water, ice has more volume than water. On increasing the pressure the equilibrium shifts to that side where volume is decreased, i.e. the equilibrium shifts towards water. Increase in pressure decreases the melting point of ice to form more water. On decreasing the pressure, the equilibrium shifts to the side having more volume, i.e. the equilibrium shifts towards the formation of ice. It can be said that, on decreasing the pressure, the freezing of water increases to form more ice. This implies that, melting of ice is favored at high temperature and high pressure, and the reverse change i.e. freezing of water to ice is favored at low temperature and low pressure.

ii. Let us consider dissolution of a gas in water.

Since the dissolution of gas is an exothermic process and proceeds by the decrease in the volume, the favourable condition for the dissolution of the gases is low temperature and high pressure. This is the reason that aerated drinks are kept under high pressure and low temperature.

B. Application of Le-Chatelier's principle in chemical equilibria

1. Let us take an example of synthesis of ammonia by Haber's process,

a. Effect of change in temperature

The above reaction is exothermic in forward direction and endothermic in backward direction. On increasing the temperature, equilibrium shifts to backward side(endothermic side of reaction) and on decreasing the temperature, the equilibrium shifts to forward side (exothermic side of reaction) so as to nullify the effect of change according to the Le-Chatelier's principle. Therefore, the formation of ammonia from N2 and H2 is favoured at low temperature.

Though low temperature is favourable here, at very low temperature, equilibrium is reached slowly therefore, from the economic point of view 450°C is optimum temperature.

1 volume of nitrogen reacts with 3 volume of hydrogen (total number of moles of reactants=4) to form 2 volume of ammonia. Hence, the reaction takes place by decrease in volume. According to Le-Chatelier's principle increase in pressure favors the side where volume is decreased i.e. towards the forward side. So, increase in pressure shifts the equilibrium to forward and more ammonia will be formed. On the other hand, decrease in pressure shifts the equilibrium to backward and production of ammonia will be low.

c. Effect of change in concentration

When concentration of N2 or H2 is increased at equilibrium, the equilibrium is shifted to utilize added N2 or H2 i.e. equilibrium shifts to forward direction. Similarly on adding more NH3 at equilibrium, the equilibrium shifts to backward direction. Hence, formation of NHs is favoured by,

i. Low temperature (optimum temperature is about 450 )

ii. High pressure

iii. High concentration of N2 and H2.

2. Let us consider the reversible reaction

In the above reaction, the volume is increased at the right hand side. Decrease in the pressure shifts this equilibrium at right hand side. So, the decomposition of CaCO3 is favoured at low pressure. 

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