3 Biology -- Plant Hormones

List the effects of auxins and gibberellins on plant growth.

List the effects of auxins and gibberellins on plant growth.

Auxin and gibberellins are generally growth phytohormones. Some major effects of auxin on growth of plants are as follows:

1. Cell elongation:- Cell elongation is the most important function of auxin especially at the region of shoots and root tip behind the apical meristem. Cell enlargement is caused by the solubilisation of carbohydrates, loosening of wall of microfibril and increase permeability and respiration. 

2. Root formation:- Auxin promotes root formation in cutting ends of shoots.

3. Inhibition of abscission:- Abscission I'd the immature falling of leaves and fruits. Auxin delays the abscission of leaves and fruits which aids to the proper growth of plants. 

4. Cambium activity:- Auxin increases the activity of cambium which helps in growth of the plants. 

5. Apical dominance:- Auxin is synthesized in apical region and it suppresses the growth of lateral buds and finally help in growth of length of plants.

Some major effects of gibberellins on plant growth are listed below:

1. Stem and leaf growth:- Gibberellins elongate stem by enlargement of cells. They also help in leaf expansion.

2. Elongation of dwarf plants:- They can induce various genetically dwarf plant such as pea, maize to grow normal by height. Hence, they can help in height growth.

3. Bolting:- It is the process of elongation of reduced stem. In some plants such as cabbage internodal length is very short giving rosette appearance. The internodal length can be increased by the application of gibberellins.

4. Reduce dormancy:- Gibberellins secrete ɑ-amylase enzyme which inhibits the activity of abscissic acid and reduces dormancy. Hence, gibberellins helps in rapid germination of plants.

5. Induce flowering:- Gibberellins induce the growth of flowers.

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