1 Physics -- Periodic Motion

You can distinguish between a raw egg and a hardboiled one by spinning each one on a table. Explain how. Also, if you stop a spinning raw egg with your fingers and release it very quickly, it will resume spinning. Why?

You can distinguish between a raw egg and a hardboiled one by spinning each one on a table. Explain how. Also, if you stop a spinning raw egg with your fingers and release it very quickly, it will resume spinning. Why?

To distinguish between a hard boiled egg and a raw egg, we spin each on a table top. The egg which spins at a slower rate shall be a raw egg. This is because in a raw egg, liquid matter inside tries to get away from the axis of rotation. Therefore, its moment of inertia I increases.

As τ=Iα =constant, therefore, α decreases, i.e., raw egg will spin with smaller angular acceleration. The reverse is true for a hard boiled egg which will rotate more or less like a rigid body.

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