34 Social -- Abduction of Democracy and Ban on Political Parties

What happened on 1st Poush 2017 BS? Why this day is called the black day in the political history of Nepal?

What happened on 1st Poush 2017 BS? Why this day is called the black day in the political history of Nepal?

King Mahendra banned the political parties and established "Panchayat Rule" in Nepal on 1st Poush 2017 BS.
    After the starting of panchayat rule in Nepal, the autocratic way of ruling the nation was cruel to the general citizen. No fundamental freedom and rights had been given to the general people. Cruelty and suppression had been continued, National unity and sovereignty of the country was in danger. Nepalese people had to struggle for 30 years to overthrow such cruel autocratic panchayat system. Hence 1st Poush 2017 BS was considered as black day in the political history of Nepal because it was the starting of Panchayat rule.

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