33 Science -- History of the Earth

Describe in brief the evolution of life in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras.

Describe in brief the evolution of life in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras.

Mesozoic era:
The time duration of this era was between (250-65) million years ago. A large number of reptiles were evolved on the land and sea. So, this era was also known as the golden era of reptiles. In the era, the climate condition was suitable for sustaining aquatic, terrestrial & aerial animals like dinosaurs, tortoises, toothed birds, etc.
Cenozoic era:
The time duration of this era is between (65-now) million years ago to now. In this ere, we human beings are evolved. The climatic condition was changing with decreasing temperature. As a result mountains peaks were covered with snow. Neanderthal man, toothed animals, gymnosperms and angiosperm were evolved. It is also known as recent era on the era of human beings.

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