33 Science -- Heredity

Differentiate between:a.    Genotype and Phenotype.b.    Dominant characteristics and Recessive characteristics.c.    F1 generations and F2 generations.d.    Monohybrid cross and Dihybrid cross.

Differentiate between:
a.    Genotype and Phenotype.
b.    Dominant characteristics and Recessive characteristics.
c.    F1 generations and F2 generations.
d.    Monohybrid cross and Dihybrid cross.

a.    Genotype and Phenotype.

The internal genetic makeup or appearance of an organism is called genotype.
The external appearance of an organism for a contrasting characteristic is called phenotype.
Parental characteristics can be found in genotype.Parental characteristics cannot be found 100% in phenotype.
It is expressed in letters.It is expressed in words.

b.    Dominant characteristics and Recessive characteristics.

Dominant characteristics
Recessive characteristics
The characteristics which are prominent and appear in successive generations are called dominant characteristics.The suppressed characteristics which cannot be expressed in successive generations are called recessive characteristics.
Dominant characteristics are seen over recessive.Recessive characteristics remains hidden.

c.    F1 generations and F2 generations.

F1 generations
F2 generations
The generation obtained by crossing two parental stocks is called F1 generations.The generation obtained by crossing two parental stocks of F1 generations is F2 generations.
The parents of F1 generation have pure genotype.The parents of F2 generation does not have pure genotype.
It is also first filial generation.It is also second filial generation.

d.    Monohybrid cross and Dihybrid cross.

Monohybrid cross
Dihybrid cross
The cross involving only one pair of constracting characteristics is called monohybrid cross.The cross involving two pair of constracting characteristics is called Dihybrid cross.
Here, off springs having phenotypic ratio of 3:1 are produced in F2 generation.Here, off springs having phenotypic ratio of 9:3:3:1 are produced in F2 generation.

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