21 Chemistry -- Oxidation and Reduction

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Redox Reaction

↪ In any chemical reaction oxidation and reduction always occur together.
↪ No oxidation is possible without reduction and vice versa.
↪ If electrons are lost by some chemical species in a reaction then there must be some other chemical species in the reaction which gains the same number of electrons.
↪ Hence, it is clear that oxidation and reduction are simultaneous chemical process. Reactions involving both oxidation and reduction are Redox reactions.

 Oxidizing and Reducing Agent

↪ The substance which oxidizes other substances and itself reduces is called oxidizing agent or an oxidant.
↪ According to electronic concept an oxidizing agent is that substance (atom, molecule or ion) which causes oxidation to other by accepting one or more electrons.

↪ The substances which reduce other substances and themselves oxidize (undergoes oxidation) are called reducing agents or reductants.
↪ According to electronic concept a reducing agent is that substance (atom, molecule or ion) which causes reduction to other by losing one or more electrons.

In this reaction,

KBr is a reducing agent.
Cl2 is an oxidizing agent.

Examples of some common oxidizing agents:
KMnO4, K2Cr2O7, HNO3, Cl2, MnO4, Br2, I2, H2SO4, etc.

Examples of common reducing agents:
H2O2, Fe2SO4, H2CO3, H2S, HI, Zn, H2, etc.


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