31 Trivia -- Literature

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That one Call

-Swarup Khatiwada

“Hey, it’s me, remember?

I don’t know if you even check your call machine anymore or if you still use this number. But if you are please respond nah. 

Hey, can’t you come and hug me tight?

Can’t you just love me the way you always did?

I still remember our first kiss. That kiss you always meant to give me.

I still remember our first date. We were so happy then.

I don’t know what happened to us. I don’t know why we separated. But I want you back. Can’t you just return back? Let’s live like we did before. I want you to love me again the same way you did before. I want you to hug me again. I want you to kiss me again. I want you to take me on a date again. Can’t you just return back. 

Hey, I still love you. I know you also love me like I do. You do nah?

Please return back. We will sort out things this time. I promise. I won’t screw things anymore. I will always try to make things perfect just like people used to call our couple, a perfect.

Hey, let’s get married nah. And this time, I promise, we will fulfill our every dreams. This time we will enjoy our life. No worries about anything. You will come nah?

I guess this is getting too long. I guess I should hang up the phone.

 Hey, if you remember that tree we used to sit by. I sometimes go there, that’s probably the only thing that didn’t leave me alone in these whole years. I know you are never gonna need me but if you do. Just wait for me by the tree. I will come one day for sure. You will come nah? Please if you are there, speak.

Please I beg of you.”

I went rushing to the phone. I picked it up. And “hello”……………..



The same story began again from a new starting. 


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