25 English -- Education and Humanity

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English Question Paper ~ 2078

Attempt all the questions.

1. Read the following text and do the activities that follow. 15

Many African mothers carry, or nestle their babies on their backs. The custom has advantages for both mother and child. A working mother, who has nobody to look after the baby, knows he is safe on her back, while her hands are free for her work. Meanwhile, the baby stays in close contact with his mother and feels warm and safe. This sense of security may be suddenly broken, however, when the child can no longer be carried. He may be put down and expected to behave like a grown up child. But he has been over-protected for so long through nestling that he now feels very insecure and may behave like a baby. Children need freedom and the change to use their limbs. They need to be able to observe and explore the environment. They also need to learn how to make and do things on their own. Therefore, even when mothers must carry their babies everywhere, they should try to set them free whenever possible. Moreover, in the hot months, less back nestling would be better. Many women, however, prefer to carry their children all day long. They feel the children are safe, sleep longer, keep quieter and do not make a mess! I once visited a friend's home where the mama-nurse was nestling my friend's eleven-month-old child. Seeing he was restless, I asked the mama-nurse to put him down. At first she didn't want to because she thought the child would make the room untidy. When she finally agreed I asked for some kitchen pots, spoons, unopened tins and boxes since there were no toys to play with. Immediately the child started examining them one by one. Then he started banging the pots and boxes with spoons. The different sounds fascinated him. But mama-nurse didn't like the noise or the mess.

A. Choose the best alternative. 5×1=5

a. The word "nestle" in the 1st line means:
i. cuddle ii. disregard iii. strangle

b. The word "meanwhile" in the 3rd line is similar in meaning to:
i. in the meantime ii. nevertheless iii. collectively

c. The word "explore" in the 7th line is opposite in meaning to:
i. overlook ii. investigate iii. assess

d. The word “restless” in the 13th line is a/an:
i. preposition ii. adjective iii. noun

e. The word “fascinated” in the 17th line means:
i. strongly interested ii. demotivated iii. distracted

B. Write T for true and F for false statements. 5×1=5

i. A child feels much safer on her mother's back.
ii. Nestling a child is really over-protective, and hinders a child's overall development.
iii. Children require the skills of observation and exploration when they grow up.
iv. Playing with toys makes children more engaged, and interested at a number of activities.
v. The passage deals with nestling and its impacts upon children when they start exploring the world by themselves.

C. Answer the following questions. 5×1=5

i. What is the advantage of carrying their babies on their backs for mothers?
ii. Why does the child feel insecure when he is put down?
iii. Why do many women prefer to carry their children all day long?
iv. Why did the mama-nurse refuse to put down her baby?
v. Give a suitable title to the given passage.

2. Write short answers to the following questions. 5×2=10

a. Briefly sketch the character of Dona Laura. (A Sunny Morning)
b. How does Cummings's use of lowercase letters affect your understanding of the poem? Explain. (Who are you, little i?)
c. What is the central idea of the story “The Wish”?
d. What is poverty according to Parker? (What is Poverty?)
e. Irony is a contrast between appearance and reality. What is ironic about Guru Nayak"s meeting with the astrologer? (An Astrologer’s Day)

3. Write long answers to the following questions. 2×5=10
a. The credibility of a character is determined not only by the character's thoughts and actions but also by what other characters say and think about him or her. Discuss in relation to the characters of Trifles.
b. How would you assess the civil peace in Nigeria? (Civil Peace)

4. Write a news story to be published in a newspaper about a local fair you have witnessed. 7

5. There is a busy road in front of your school. A large number of students have to cross the road while going back home. They run a great risk. Write a letter to the Editor, Pokhara Times, Pokhara, drawing attention of the concerned authorities to the problem. Make a request to mark a zebra crossing and to put traffic lights in front of your school. You are Anubhav Poudel, Class XI, Sagarmatha Secondary School, Nayabazar, Pokhara. 8

6. “Superstition is prevalent in every walk of life.” Argue for or against the statement. 10

7. Do as indicated in brackets and rewrite the sentences. 10×1=10

a. The white car is mine. ( Underline the pronoun in the sentence)
b. Gauri resembles her mother. (Divide the sentence into different parts)
c. She reads many books that…… (help/helps) her learn more vocabulary. (Choose one form from the bracket to complete the sentence)
d. Did you pay …………cheque or in cash? (Put the correct preposition in the blank)
e. Sanghai is the largest city in China. My brother works there. (Where) (Join the sentences using a non-defining relative clause)
f. Did they appoint him? (into Passive)
g. He said to me, “Do you like ice-cream?” (into Indirect Speech)
h. How often………. (you/read) a newspaper? (Put the verb in the correct form, using Simple Present or Present Continuous)
i. I…………..get up early tomorrow. I've got a lot to do. (Put in had better or should)
j. You can't play the guitar. (Express a wish)

8. Do as instructed. 5

a. Arrange the following words in alphabetical order. 1
tarragon, tarn, tarmac, tarnish, tarpaulin
b. Write synonyms of the following words. 1
i) foolish ii) essential
c. Write the plural forms of the following nouns. 1
i) index ii) criterion
d. Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct word from the pair given in brackets. 2
i) I would strongly…………you to use the dictionary. (advice/advise)
ii) He arranged her to see……..in the day. (later/latter)
iii) The thief……….the bank. (stole/robbed)
iv) Your……………helped me to get a job. (accommodation/recommendation)



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