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Full Fathom Five Thy Father Dies - Summary and Important Questions

Summary In Nepali

Important Questions

1) How does Shakespeare present the meaningfulness of death in the poem?

Fathom Five Thy Father Lies" is taken from William Shakespeare's play "The Tempest". In the present poem, he gives his timeless philosophy on the meaningfulness of death. Death is shown as a meaningful change. Death is not an absolute and but only a process of transformation into another natural object. The main idea of this song is that man who is a part of nature transforms into another natural object after death. The body of Ferdinand's father has been changed into something more precious and unique. His bones have changed into corals and eyes into pearls. He is warmly welcomed in heaven by nymphs even after his death.

2) What is the central idea of the poem?

Do you think that death is not the end of life? Explain with reference to the poem.

In this poem death is shown as a meaningful change. Death is not an absolute end but only a process of transformation into another natural object. The main idea of this song is that man who is a part of nature transforms into another natural object after death. The body of Ferdinand's father has been changed into something more precious and unique. His bones have changed into corals and eyes into pearls. He is warmly welcomed in heaven by nymphs even after his death.


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