22 Biology -- Introduction to Floral Diversity

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Overview:5 kingdoms of classification

R.H. Whittaker came with the concept of five kingdoms of classification that takes into account of cell structure, the presence of cell wall, mode of nutrition, mode of reproduction and many others.

Note: Shift sideways to see the other kingdoms

Characters Monera Protista Fungi
Plantae Animalia
Cell type Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Eukaryotic



Cell wall Non cellulosic (polysaccharides+Amino acids) Present in some Present (fungal cellulose or chitin) Present (cellulose) Absent
Nuclear membrane Absent Present Present



Cell organisation Unicellular Unicellular or multicellular Unicellular or multicellular

Multicellular Multicellular

Body organisation Cellular grade

Cellular grade

Tissue grade Tissue or organ grade Tissue/ organ/ system grade
Mode of nutrition Heterotrophic (saprophytic/parasitic) and  Autotrophic (chemosynthetic and photosynthetic) Autotrophic (Photosynthetic) and Heterotrophic Heterotrophic
(Saprophytic/ parasitic)
Autotrophic (Photosynthetic) Heterotrophic (holozoic/saprophytic)
Respiration Aerobic and Anaerobic  (methanogens) Aerobic Aerobic and Anaerobic Aerobic and rarely Anaerobic Aerobic
Reproduction Only asexual Sexual and Asexual Sexual and Asexual

Sexual and Asexual

Sexual ( most common)/Asexual
Movement Both motile or non motile Both motile or non motile

Non motile Non motile


Reserve food Oil and fat droplets Oil and fat droplets

Glycogen and fat Starch/Protien Glycogen/fat
Known as Decomposers/ saprophytes Planktons(autotrophs and heterotrophs) Saprophytes/Parasites Autotrophs Heterotrophs
Role in ecosystem Decomposers Producer ,consumer and decomposer Consumer and decomposer Producer Consumer
Example E.coli, Anthrax bacterium Giant klep, Paramecium, Euglena Agaricus, Sac fungi Snake plant, trees, shrubs Humans, insects, birds, animals


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