Rabin Kalikote almost 2 years ago
12 Claps
Bal Bahadur BK

Great my son!

Reply almost 2y
Pranish Uprety

You've been truly inspiration, dai! Congratulations to you and all of us.

Reply almost 2y
Shibu oli asked a question

The stage of cell division in which paired homologous chromosomes get shortened and thickened is prophase I of meiosis. During this stage, the chromosomes condense and become visible as distinct structures, allowing for the homologous chromosomes to pair up and exchange genetic material through a process called crossing over. The shortening and thickening of the chromosomes during prophase I is important for proper alignment and separation of the homologous chromosomes during subsequent...

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2 Answers
Bijaya Rajbhandari asked a question

1) That old man is Aksionov.

2) The speaker is asking about the truth of digging an escape hole .

3) The speaker means the prison's wall.

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UJJWAL JHA about 1 year ago
1 Clap

Materials show varying behaviors based on their Poisson's ratio. High Poisson's ratio materials (near 0.5) contract significantly sideways when stretched and expand when compressed, seen in substances like rubber. Low Poisson's ratio materials (near 0) undergo minimal width change during axial deformation, typical of metals and common engineering materials.

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