Gayatri Mishra asked a question

The foods we eat, the air we breathe, cleaning chemicals, our emotions and literally every object that we can see or touch, love, jealousy, infatuation and all share in chemistry. For all living things to function and survive, their bodies perform various chemical processes.

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Sanam asked a question

First learn basic HTML, then CSS and responsive CSS for Static websites and thereafter JavaScript and PHP for dynamic pages. If you also want to learn jQuery for more better works learn it at the same time with JavaScript

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Mattrab Community - SXC asked a question

Log2aa=x    then, a=(2a) ......(1)

Log3a2a=y    then,2a=(3a)y ......(2)

Log4a 3a=z  then, 3a=(4a)z ......(3)


a=(2a)x  [from (1)]

Or, a=(3a)xy    [from(2)]

Or, a=(4a)xyz     [from(3)]

Multiplying both sides by 4a,


Or,(2a)² =(4a)xyz + 1 

Or,(3a)2y =(4a)xyz+1 

Or,(4a)2yz =(4a)xyz+1 

Or, 2yz = xyz+1 .proved.

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Laxman Khatri about 1 year ago
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Quality of life refers to the overall well-being, satisfaction, and happiness that an individual or a community experiences in various aspects of their lives.

Aashish Bhandari asked a question
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subash neupane asked a question

Hello Subash!

Here is the solution for the question you are asking for, I solved it in procedural way but if you are among the one who prefer OOP style then you can still ask it for me cause I have solved it from both methods but here I am just going to leave procedural one....

//author:Manish Acharya

import java.util.Scanner;

import java.util.*;

public class idgenerator {

public static void main(String[] args) {

String small_name="", long_name="", new_small_name="", new_long_name="";

char lr='a',...

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