Raunak Kumar asked a question

BODMAS=Bracket, Order, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction. In certain regions, PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction) is the synonym of BODMAS. It explains the order of operations to solve an expression.

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2 Answers
UJJWAL JHA about 1 year ago
1 Clap

Materials show varying behaviors based on their Poisson's ratio. High Poisson's ratio materials (near 0.5) contract significantly sideways when stretched and expand when compressed, seen in substances like rubber. Low Poisson's ratio materials (near 0) undergo minimal width change during axial deformation, typical of metals and common engineering materials.

Diwas Pandit asked a question

The two vectors (say A and B) of different magnitudes cannot be combined to give zero resultant since minimum value of combination is ІA-BІ which is not zero if AB.

The three vectors A, B and C of different magnitudes can be zero such that they form a closed triangle, then,


or, C=-(A+B)

Hence, the sum of three vectors may be zero if vector sum of any two vectors is equal and opposite to the third vector.

Note: The vectors can give this result only if...

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