subash neupane asked a question

Hello Subash!

Here is the solution for the question you are asking for, I solved it in procedural way but if you are among the one who prefer OOP style then you can still ask it for me cause I have solved it from both methods but here I am just going to leave procedural one....

//author:Manish Acharya

import java.util.Scanner;

import java.util.*;

public class idgenerator {

public static void main(String[] args) {

String small_name="", long_name="", new_small_name="", new_long_name="";

char lr='a',...

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Mousham khatiwada almost 1 year ago
4 Claps
Rabin Kalikote

Happy Mother's Day, sir.

Reply almost 1y
Bhawana Yadav asked a question

तपाईंको जीवनमा सामाजिक अधययनले के कसता सकारातमक परभाव परेका छन , बुँदागत रुपमा  लेखनुहोस I

सामाजिक अधययनले मेरो जीवनका पारेका सकारातमक अधययन निमनाअनुसार बुँदागत  रुपमा परसतुत गरेको छु :

1. मैले संविधान वयवसथा गरेको हक, अधिकार, करतवय, दायितव आदि बारे बुझन पाएको छु I

2. मैले करतवयपरायणताको भाव बोध गरेको छु I

3. समाजका रीतिरिवाज, संसकार, परमपरा आदिको अधययनबाट फरक परिवेशमा समेत समावेशन हुन सकने    सिपको विकास गरेको छु I 

4. राषटरिय समपदाको संरकषण र देशको पृषठभूमिपरति पुरखाले...

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Barsha Yadav asked a question
Its all because of oxytocin. Oxytocin is the love hormone that activates feelings of trust and love between people when it is released in the brain. Whenever Surakshya thinks of her college the production of the oxytocin hormone rises to peak but sadly she cannot express her love in anyway. Because of the fact she is miles away from her college and she is bound to accept the truth that she cannot be there in college at the present time. So, there is no way that she can express her love,...
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Ishan asked a question

conceptualizing the truth,in hegel's term. A lot of philosophers(like descartes' three kinds of ideas) in his time (and a lot of mindfulness practitioners these days)believed a higher form of truth(or knowledge) exists which cannot be articulated but is to be intuited and felt.Hegel didnt consider this to be can never know if your intuition is true or its just you making the stuff up.

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Diwas Pandit asked a question

The order of magnitude of a physical quantity is its magnitude in powers of ten when the physical quantity is expressed in powers of ten with one digit to the left of the decimal.

Orders of magnitude are generally used to make very approximate comparisons and reflect very large differences.

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